Prayer Requests | January 2025


  1. I am dealing with some physical health challenges, and I prayed for God to bring to light what is going on, and thanks to the doctors, some potential causes were ruled out.


Timely Requests:

  1. With physical health challenges mentoned above, please pray that I would obediently trust and follow the voice of God through this uncertaintiy, and that He would enlarge my soul as I wait on Him for healing. 
  2. Pray for all those impacted by the Los Angeles fires. Pray for provision, comfort, and that people would encounter God in beautiful ways in this grief and loss.


Big Picture Requests:

  1. That God would orchestrate divine connections and opportunities to bring radical rest to those that need it.

  2. That people would feel inspired to join this initiative by resting, praying, sharing, giving, and serving.

  3. For the provision to meet the minimum financial goal of $50k for 2025 enabling sustainable impact and growth.