Can You Make It Through The Month?
Play Spent, a financial simulation of living paycheck to paycheck.
If you were given $5,000,000, what would you do with it?
🎚Our Invitation🎚
"If you don't know it, we'll help you learn it.
If you know it, walk with someone as they learn it."
- CL Music Initiatives
Protect The Bag: Episode 1 - "Protecting the Bag"
If you want to keep your bag, your financial health, you gotta “Protect the Bag”. How are you protecting your financial security? Learn today!
Protect The Bag: Episode 2 - "Playing the Long Game" with CoCo Jones
Are you protecting your bag? Learn how to save your money by decreasing your spending, consolidating bills, and growing your bag, today!
Protect The Bag: Episode 3 - "Budgeting, For Real" with Kyle Korver
Are you in control of your bag? Learn how to control your bag through a budget and other helpful tips.
Protect The Bag: Episode 4 - "Protect Yourself" with WHATUPRG
Are you protected? Learn about what ways you can protect yourself from losing your bag and losing your identity and reputation.
Protect The Bag: Episode 5 - “Debt Ain't No Joke!” with Tyler Lockett
Are you in debt? Learn how to get out of debt so you can start to build wealth.
7 Baby Steps Explained (How To Build Wealth) - Dave Ramsey
Learn the tried and true message of becoming debt free, becoming wealthy, and living a generous life!
Protect the Bag: Episode 6 - "I Got This" with Jewel Lloyd
Where are you investing to grow your bag? Learn the different strategies to grow your money to build long term wealth.
I'm New to Investing and Don't Understand Anything About It!
Is it overwhelming to try and figure out investing? Check out a few basic ideas of how to get started.
Book A Free Call with a Ramsey Trusted Advisor Today!
Practice Steps To Reinforce
Go Deeper In Your Financial Journey!
 Start Here For Part 2.0
This Lie Can Keep You From Living Generously
In the story of the Bible, God is depicted as a generous host who provides for the needs of his guests. However, humans live from a mindset of scarcity and hoard God’s many gifts. In this video on Generosity, we explore God’s plan for overcoming our selfishness by giving the ultimate gift of himself in the person of Jesus.
What Does God Think About Money?
What does an obedient follower of Jesus do with their money? In this re-release of one of our most popular episodes, Jon and Tim share the story of John Cortinez and Greg Baumer. Ambitious, driven, and financially successful, John and Greg meet in class at Harvard Business School, confident of the plans they have for their lives. But when a class project gives them a vision for how their money could be part of God's Kingdom here on Earth, everything changes.